National Veterans Memorial and Museum

The City of Columbus has embarked on a decade-long effort to revitalize its riverfront, its downtown core and its cultural institutions. As part of this transformation, Allied Works was selected to create a place of gathering and remembrance for veterans from all conflicts. The project has long had the support of Ohio’s one million veterans, including soldier, astronaut and US Senator, John Glenn. Established in 2018, the National Veterans Memorial and Museum combines building and landscape in one gesture. It offers the city a new, iconic civic space that tells the story of veterans—from Ohio and across the nation—through diverse artifacts, multimedia exhibits and installations throughout the building and site.

At Keim we are inspired by design and architecture and how it enhances the natural world around us. Concrete, in particular, is a building material that is the perfect canvas for mineral silicate finishes. To this end, we celebrate the endless possibilities of concrete design. We hope you enjoy our small tribute to this incredible example of excellence in concrete design.

AFTER: Stained concrete is more uniform in color tone but retains the natural “patina” of cast concrete. Low-maintenance is ensured with decades of durability of Concretal-Lasur Pigmented Mineral Stain.

Products Used

Pigmented Mineral Stain
Color #9595

Concretal Fixative
Clear Sol Silicate Dilution


References–Concrete The Imprint, Seoul, Korea Not far from South Korea’s largest airport Incheon is “Paradise City”, an amusement and entertainment center that was expanded