References–Concrete ilot saint-urbain, Straßburg, France Colorful pigmented mineral stain, Concretal-Lasur, plays a decisive role in the redesign of the Ilot Saint-Urbain residential and commercial block
Sited on the edge of a large parcel near the Pacific Ocean, the Ark House is a small studio building on the site of Richard Neutra’s iconic 1934 Sten-Frenke House. The design and massing of the structure, which includes a private office suite and guest quarters, is designed in response to the conditions of the main building. The curved façade of the new structure mirrors and doubles the distinct curved volume of the sun-room in the main house: a signature geometric form in Neutra’s early work in North America.
Concretal-W High Performance Mineral Finish is luminous in pure white.
Mineral colours that are ecological and extremely colour stable.
For a healthy indoor climate and long-lasting facades.